Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Mathematics of Miracles

Most people hear the word "miracle" and immediately think "religion" which leads them to other conclusions. These conclusions may be founded in fear or disbelief, in worth or reward. Over the ages, people have seen less of the startling miracles (water into wine or parting of the seas) so they have discounted all manifestations. Miracles have not ceased to exist; people have ceased to see them.

Become aware of the miracles around you. See the world from the place of wonder, like a child, where everything is miraculous. As you notice the seemingly smallest miracles, larger and more powerful miracles will make themselves known to you. You will start to see that people create miracles in their lives, that a miracle isn't a random act by God to trick us into following a religion. A miracle is actually the result of adherence to a formula, one that even God follows. Can it be that there is a mathematics to miracles?

A result is defined as "something that happens as a consequence; outcome". Result is a mathematical term meaning "a quantity obtained by calculation." As with the "if/then" statement, the result is the second half. For instance: if I work out every day and eat less calories, then I will lose weight. This statement can be expressed as a mathematical equation where A equals "work out every day," B equals "eat less calories" and C equals lose weight: A + B = C. C is the result. 

What if C or the result were something less obviously related to A and/or B? Could the result be termed "miracle?" 

A + B + C + D = E

A equals believing
B equals feeling
C equals visioning
D equals detaching
E equals receiving

In order for this mathematical equation to be true, it must work and, when it comes to manifesting miracles, no one believes in the process more than when he/she works it out for him- or herself.

No one expects you to just believe it works. Every teacher wants his/her pupils to try it for themselves. There are no limits except those you place upon the equation or upon yourself. The only caveat is that you keep to the equation. Each step is essential and cannot be skipped.

How Visioning Works

Naysayers call it "day dreaming" and, if you're sitting around just wishing and wanting, they may be right. Visioning is much more than a passive wish or a fairy tale you make up in your head.

Coupled with intense emotion and belief, visioning is a powerful step in manifesting a miracle. Yes, a miracle. Whether you believe in an all-powerful, super-natural being or in a "higher power" or even just the scientific universe, creating a "thing" in your life is a miracle.

The Laws of the Universe describe how what you see in your life at this moment is actually what you created in your mind before this moment. That creation may have taken place in your mind at a different time or it might have happened much sooner but everything is created in the mind first. The Universal Law is called "Cause and Effect," where YOU are CAUSE and you create the EFFECT.

In order to "be" cause in your life, in order to create the effect you desire, you must first imagine that desire in your mind. Athletes have long known this truth. They are masters at envisioning the play that wins. Ask a professional skier how he or she prepares for the championship run. More often than not, she will describe how she runs through each aspect of the race. He will tell you in detail about each curve or bump in the snow.

Life is much more important than a championship ski run (though don't tell a skier I said so). Why would you let it all to chance? Just because everyone else isn't visioning their lives in detail doesn't mean that you shouldn't. If you see people accomplishing their dreams, ask them about what they think about, what they see in their minds.

The trick to visioning is in your emotion. Think about what you desire to have or be or do in your life. How will having/being/doing that feel? No, don't just use one or two words to guess at the feeling. Feel it. Completely. Give yourself over to the feeling of having or being or doing what you desire.

Don't close your eyes for this exercise if, when opening them, you are disappointed in what you see before you. As I mentioned above, what you see was created in your mind before, before this visioning. Keep your eyes wide open and lose your focus. Stare at an object until it goes fuzzy. Then open your heart and mind to the feeling of accomplishing your goal.

Did Michael Jordan know what winning the National Championship felt like before he ever held the trophy? Did Christopher Columbus know how it would feel to discover the shortcut to the East before ever setting sail from Spain? Did President Obama know what being President of the United States would feel like before running for office? Yes. And that is how you must approach your goals and dreams.

The belief that you will accomplish your goal added to intense emotion is the first part of the equation of receiving your desire. Occasionally you must rely on a simple belief in the mathematical equation. Sometimes you must rely on the basic belief that you are doing all you can and that the Universe and God are doing all they can to create your miracle. As you become adept at manifesting, your belief in your power will increase and you will rely on your ability.

The step after belief and feeling is letting go. Detachment is the second fastest way to manifest a miracle.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

What You Believe is True

Life is difficult.

No one gets what they want.

A wonderful man will never pick me.

All true statements...if you believe them. The truth is that whatever you believe to be true, is true...for you. Whether you believe that life is a struggle or a piece of cake, that miracles happen all the time or haven't happened in centuries, it's true because you make it true.

Sometimes you only see those aspects of life which reinforce your beliefs. Sometimes you make it true by what you believe, attracting to your life the situations that make you right.

Be right about something else.

Even if you don't fully believe at first, let the seed grow by nurturing it. The mustard seed is an excellent illustration because it's so small but that analogy is so hardwired into religion that too many people ignore the truth that any seed, nurtured, grows. Take an acorn. The acorn is an oak tree waiting to grow and oak trees can become very large trees indeed.

Is there something you wish to believe?

Plant it in your mind. Water it every day (spend time thinking about what it feels like to believe this truth). Give it sunlight and fresh air (tell the contradictory thoughts that you don't believe them anymore). 

Your new belief won't necessarily sprout in 24 hours but give it time and see what happens. You might just believe that life is easy, that you get what you want and then a wonderful man will pick you.

The Laws of the Universe

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you imagined." Henry David Thoreau

In order to "live the life you imagined," you must obey those scientific and spiritual laws of the Universe. These are the same laws used by God to create all we see. These are the same laws used by men to achieve greatness. These are the same laws.

The life I imagined is here, now, as I confidently follow the laws to bring to me all that I ask for from God, from the Universe itself. I engage the power of God and the entire Universe to create with me my life.